KING KHAN is go!


The Spirit of the Century Kickstarter hit $25K, so I will definitely be writing KING KHAN after I turn in A BLESSING OF MONSTERS. The Kickstarter isn’t over yet, though! If you pledge ten bucks, you get all the novels as ebooks, and higher tiers give higher benefits. Plus, if they reach $30K, you get KHAN OF MARS from Stephen Blackmoore.

Very cool, you guys. Thank you.

Two Kickstarters at once


As I write this on 5pm PST on Tuesday, the Kickstarter for the Professor Khan novel (KING KHAN!) I’m planning to write, which needed to reach $25K to be funded, now has fewer than twelve hundred dollars to go.

And it turns out I had the details of the stretch goals wrong in yesterday’s post: Evil Hat has already committed to publishing a stand alone Spirit of the Century novel starring mystic detective Benjamin Hu, written by Brian Clevinger, creator of Atomic Robo comics. I can’t believe I left that out. A $10 pledge would get you an ebook of that novel, too, along with all the others.

Also, BoingBoing did a brief news article on the Mayan-themed anthology I’m in, and now that project has less than fourteen hundred dollars to make its funding goal.

Kickstarter is doing pretty well by me right now.